Sunday, May 1, 2011

i'm new!

I’m new to both blogging (consistently and not just on tumblr) and to gardening so, this is really exciting and nerve wracking for me. I’ve leafed through many gardening books in the last couple months in preparation for some serious gardening this summer. I’ve purchased seeds and pots and I now have a tiny plot of land in the backyard to start and watch my babies flourish. 

I don’t know how often I’ll update this.. I’ve been toying with once a week, probably every Sunday, to show the progress of both the potted plants/flowers as well as the ones I’ve planted in the back. I plan to go through every step and document it here with pictures and things of that nature. And by going through everything I mean weeding, buying proper tools (which I still need!), planting, watering, weeding still L, and the growths of all. I hope this is really informative and fun for all you readers. suggestions are always welcome!

With love (seeds & soil),

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